

Amidst the storm, I observe the grand scenery,
Like ants trapped in a blazing furnace.
As if dwelling in purgatory,
Unable to escape eternal damnation.




The bright moon sinks into the azure sea,
All sounds cease, awaiting the dawn.
Creation, existence, decay, and emptiness follow nature
s law,
In an instant, new fates are woven.




The setting sun casts its last light on the distant lone boat,

The afterglow paints the sky in a crimson hue.
Silent mountains admire the lake
s reflection,
A unique tranquility and gentle ease.





   Strolling leisurely in the courtyard, admiring flower shadows,

   Roots of the sacred tree form a natural screen.
s vitality is evident, life abounds,
   No doubt, there is joy in the human realm.




Cliffs and strange rocks hide mysteries,

Mountains and trees stand tall with elegance.

Naturally formed, unmatched in beauty,

Wander and rest, enjoying the distant view.




               Amidst the bamboo, watching the sunset glow,

    Dusk falls, the light grows dim and obscure.

   Bushy brows hidden among sparse leaves,

       As if a ghostly figure appears, fierce and grim.



青燈引路入幽處, 輾轉臨到奈河橋, 茫然灌下孟婆湯, 告別前塵那滄桑.

The dim light guides the way into the secluded place,

Twisting and turning, arriving at the Naihe Bridge.

In a daze, I drink the Meng Po soup,

Bidding farewell to the sorrows of the past life.




Mountains vary in height, near and far,

Human nature differs greatly, good and evil.

Comparing lengths and difficulties,

Who can define the righteous path?



青雲直上萬里天, 瑤池閬苑舞連翩, 鴻雁奮志仙班列, 精進不斷免情牽.

Soaring through the azure sky, reaching ten thousand miles,

In the Jade Pool and Langyuan, dances gracefully entwine.

Geese strive with ambition, joining the ranks of immortals,

Advancing diligently, free from worldly ties.



飛瀑震聲空谷响, 景色濛濛霧飄揚, 蓬萊仙境可堪賞, 人間歲月望禎祥.

The waterfalls roar echoesthrough the empty valley,

Mist rises, shrouding the scenery in a hazy veil.

The fairyland of Penglai is a sight to behold,

In human years, we wish for peace and prosperity.



明月不知君已去, 天際高懸暗自許, 平湖寂寂無人踪, 亂草蓬蓬添愁緒.

The bright moon knows notthat you have gone,

High in the sky, it silently vows.

The tranquil lake lies empty, no trace of anyone,

Wild grass grows thick, adding to my sorrow.



丹霞倒映醉, 景致多佳趣, 鶼鰈情深厚, 形影永伴隨.

Crimson clouds reflect, a drunken delight,

Scenery abundant with charming sights.

Deep is the love of the inseparable pair,

 Together in shadow, forever they share.



月色瀉輝驅寂靜, 燭光搖曳暗又明, 暮景良夜尋常事, 世態人情自在心.

Moonlight pours its brilliance, dispelling the silence,

Candlelight flickers, dimming and brightening.

Evening scenes and fine nights are common affairs,

Worldly ways and human sentiments rest easy in the heart.




鞦韆輕蕩影搖風 落葉佈散辭萍蹤, 天涯無處覓芳草, 獨自逍遙佯輕鬆.

The swing gently sways, shadows dance in the wind, 

Fallen leaves scatter, bidding farewell to drifting paths. 

Nowhere can a decent lady be found in the distant land, 

Alone, I wander, feigning a carefree ease.


塵土飛揚海翻浪, 五內掀騰復迴蕩, 傘反帽竄上雲端, 步履踉蹌人亂撞.

Dust flies and waves surge, 

Inner turmoil rises and falls. 

Umbrellas flip, hats soar to the clouds, 

Stumbling steps, people collide in chaos.




一樹菩提一樹花, 佛光普照滿人家, 清淨自在齊放下, 看破隨緣是釋迦.

One Bodhi tree, one blooming flowers, 

Buddhas light shines upon every home. 

In purity and freedom, we let go together, 

Seeing through and following fate, one can also become Shakyamuni.


醉夢迷愁追月影, 寒風撲面催酒醒,  當前景物依然樣, 內心感悟大不同.

Chasing moon shadows in a drunken dream, troubled by sorrow, 

Cold wind hits the face, urging the wine to sober. 

The scene before me remains the same, 

But the insights within my heart have profoundly changed.



寒地風吹雪滿天, 浮光幻照把情牽, 依樣風雲依樣月, 依樣樊籠語凝咽.

Cold winds blow, snow fills the sky, 

Floating light and shadows weave emotions. 

The same wind and clouds, the same moon, 

In the same cage of constraints, words choke with sorrow.



槳聲輕蕩波心碎, 河道連綿水青翠, 江鄉難為車馬催, 操舟送客去又回.

Oar sounds gently ripple, breaking the heart of the waves, 

The river stretches endlessly, its waters a verdant green. 

In the river village, carriages and horses are seldom seen, 

Rowing the boat, sending off guests, back and forth again.


胡同老樹牆影舊, 紅樓風月客憐新, 燈燭輝煌光照遠, 厭見深閨枕邊人.

Old trees in the alley cast shadows on ancient walls, 

In the brothels endless allure, guests favor new courtesans. 

Though lanterns shine brightly, illuminating far and wide, 

They tire of seeing the same person beside the pillow in the deep boudoir.



青燈從此為君亮, 苦海不願續浮沉, 如今無庸再多想, 紅唇烈焰待郎嚐.

From now on, the green lamp will shine for you, 

No longer willing to drift in the sea of suffering. 

Now theres no need to think any more, 

Red lips and passionate flames await you, my love.



花木繞籬牆, 裝模也作樣, 迎來逾越客, 惹得一身香.

Flowers and trees surround the fence,

posing with elegance, 

Welcoming guests who cross over, s

preading fragrance all around.

