


Ancient trees stand tall, guarding the years,

The vast heavens reveal emptiness,

No one, no self, no sentient beings,
Why toil in the futile struggle within the snails horn?



光彩交織夢幻影, 石筍森立賦流形, 山川河嶽隱然現, 欣抃世間有奇境.

Radiant lights intertwine, casting dreamlike shadows,

Stalactites stand tall, bestowing flowing forms,

Mountains and rivers subtly emerge,

Rejoicing in the worlds wondrous realms.




Cattle graze leisurely on green grass,

Fishermen toil diligently, casting their nets,

Do not say this moments scenery is splendid,

For what is often seen becomes ordinary.



金波拍岸釣黃昏, 橫竿海濱獨佇立, 隻影何愁無伴侶, 金烏玉兔永相隨.

Golden waves lap the shore, fishing for dusk,

A lone rod stands by the seaside,

Why fret over solitude withonly oneself,

When the sun and moon forever accompany.



輕舟搖曳唱鄉曲, 運河左右都是屋, 游人愛坐貢多拉, 聽罷歌謠飽耳福.

A light boat sways, singing folk songs,

Houses line both sides of the canal,

Tourists love to ride the gondola,

Their ears filled with the joy of songs.


                白雲過巔峰,                 自然又輕鬆,                 有山也有水,                 美景奪天工.

White clouds pass over the peaks,

Naturally and effortlessly,

There are mountains and waters,

Scenery so beautiful it rivals natures craftsmanship.





Golden light scatters on rippling waves,

Colorful clouds gracefully dance above the lake,

Embraced by mountain ridgesand the bays curve,

Always a scene of peace and beauty.


海鷗戲落日, 沙鷗覓食忙, 生計難一致, 本性各不同.

        Seagulls play at sunset,

Sandpipers busy searching for food,

Their livelihoods differ greatly,

As do their natures.



                        綠荷舒卷涼風曉,                                                       綺羅粉黛幾分嬌,                         逝者如斯時日杳,                         莫負瞬間好年華.

Green lotus leaves unfurl in the cool morning breeze,

Adorned in delicate makeup, charmingly graceful,

Time passes like this, days fade away,

Do not waste the fleeting moments of youth.




Nights crimson hues condense into a jade-like visage,

A vast white jade plate in the expanse,

The day when yellow earth changes its hue,

The moment when heaven and earth reverse.




Candlelight waits in sorrow for your return,

Sitting and standing through the night, never lying down,

Outside the window, the night rain falls incessantly,

Tears fall in vain until the break of dawn.




Majestic rocks stand tall, reaching for the sky,

Golden cups awarded to the gods of harvest,

Bountiful crops bring peace and prosperity to the people,

In an era of peace and prosperity, joy and harmony prevail.




Clouds obscure the blue sky, hiding the beautiful sun,

Rain strikes the clear lotus, rippling the emerald waves.
Washing away a thousand earthly grievances,
Yet unable to unravel a single mystery of the heavens.

